Yancey County -- December 3, 2023: Yancey County Sheriff's Office Hosts Senior Luncheon to Address Financial Fraud and Scams

The Yancey County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce a Senior Luncheon scheduled for December 13th, 2023, at 10:30 am. The event will take place at the Yancey County Senior Center and aims to educate senior citizens on how to avoid becoming a victim of financial fraud and scammers that often target older adults.
During the luncheon, topics such as recognizing common scams, safeguarding personal information, and steps to take if one suspects fraud will be covered. Sheriff Shane Hilliard and staff will be present to provide valuable insights and answer any questions attendees may have.
This informative session is open to all senior citizens residing in Yancey County. The Sheriff's Office encourages the community's seniors to attend and equip themselves with the knowledge to protect against potential financial threats.

Event details:
Date: December 13th, 2023
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Yancey County Senior Center

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