Franklin -- October 25, 2023: Franklin North Carolina Chamber of Commerce Press Release 

Here comes Santa!  The Franklin Chamber of Commerce announces plans are underway for this year’s Annual Christmas Parade which will officially ring in the holiday season.  The celebration will be held on Sunday, November 26, beginning at 3:00 p.m.

Entries will line up along Church Street behind the Courthouse.  The route will begin by pulling out on the top of Town Hill beside Town Hall.  The route will proceed down Main Street turning left at the Lazy Hiker Brewing Company onto Porter Street.  Then turn left onto Palmer Street. The route will end at the intersection of the Highlands Road and Main Street. 

This year’s Grand Marshal has been a fixture in Macon County for more than 40 years. Betsey Gooder and her husband Gary moved from Florida to the Franklin area and started a free weekly paper - unheard of in the newspaper business. Gooder became well known to the business community, selling ads for the now iconic Macon County News & Shopping Guide. After her husband passed away in 2006, Gooder would take the reins and run the business, finally retiring this past July.

Gooder’s interests go beyond the news. She has served on the Arts Council board working to advance the proliferation of arts in Macon County and volunteering over the years at various events including Christmas caroling on Main Street for Winter Wonderland. She has also been a part of the Overlook Theater Company, performing in countless productions since its inception. Gooder attends Hickory Knoll Methodist Church and sings in the choir.

Parade participants will again be able to have folks walk beside their float/entry handing out candy.  No candy can be thrown from a moving vehicle.  In addition, all horses must wear a manure bag/horse diaper.    

Registration is required and entry forms can be picked up and returned to the Chamber office located at 98 Hyatt Road. The Deadline for entry is Wednesday, November 22 by 5 pm.  Please note the Chamber will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday, November 23 & 24.  Commercial Floats are available to rent by calling Diane at the Franklin Chamber.

For additional information, contact the Franklin Chamber of Commerce by calling    828-524-3161.

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