Asheville -- Asheville City Government Community News: October 12, 2023, by Christy Edwards

In 2016, Asheville voters approved a $17 million bond referendum for major improvements to parks and community centers throughout the city. Most of these neighborhood investments are complete, increasing opportunities for community members to explore, connect, and discover. 

These projects were identified during the creation of Asheville Parks & Recreation’s (APR) previous comprehensive plan. The department is in the process of crafting Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks, a new community-powered plan to guide decisions over the next 10-15 years. Ashevillians are invited to share their ideas and vision for the city’s recreation programs and parks at

Bond projects allowed other APR funding to be leveraged during the same time frame for other major investments at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center, Weaver Park, Walton Street Park, Asheville Skatepark, and other locations. As upgrades and improvements were made, accessibility, safety, and energy efficiency enhancements were also added at all project locations.

Check out community investment details below or check out the City of Asheville’s Capital Projects Dashboard

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