Hw=ealth --  Eli Lilly and Company's (NYSE: LLY) made an announcemetn price reductions for  most frequently
prescribed insulins will be reduced by 70%, and the Insulin Value Program, which limits patients' out-of-pocket

expenses to $35 per month or less, will be expanded. Lilly is taking these measures to make Lilly insulin more accessible
and to assist Americans who might struggle to navigate a convoluted healthcare system, which might prevent them from obtaining inexpensive insulin.

Lilly is lowering the list price of insulins by the following:

Insulin Lispro Injection 100 units/list mL's price has been decreased to $25 per vial. It will be the most affordable mealtime insulin on the market as of May 1, 2023, and will cost less than a Humalog® vial did in 1999.
The list price of Lilly's most often prescribed insulin, Humalog® (insulin lispro injection) 100 units/mL1, and Humulin® (insulin human injection) 100 units/mL2 will be reduced by 70% beginning in Q4 2023.
RezvoglarTM (insulin glargine-aglr) injection, a basal insulin that is bioidentical to Lantus® (insulin glargine injection) and interchangeable with it, will be made available starting on April 1, 2023, for $92 per five-pack of KwikPens, a 78% savings over Lantus.

In addition to lowering the list price of its insulins, Lilly is facilitating access to its insulins for more diabetics:
With immediate effect, Lilly will automatically cap out-of-pocket expenses for those using Lilly insulin with commercial insurance at $35 at participating retail pharmacies.

Without insurance, people can still visit https://www.insulinaffordability.com/    and get the Lilly Insulin Value Program savings card to get Lilly insulins for just $35 per month.

To guarantee that all Lilly insulin users know how to utilize the company's market-leading affordability options, Lilly will soon begin a nationwide public awareness campaign. 

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington

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