ASHEVILLE -- Are you a Pet Lover? Can't get enough, do enough,and  hear enough about, talk about pets? Check out Brother Wolf of Asheville!



You'll find Brother Wolf of Asheville News has local inspirational pet stories, pets in need and updated news about what's happening at Brother Wolf. They also have an Events section, so you can plan ahead for their upcoming events!

What? You can't make it to an event at this time and still want to do something to help out? The Donation Page makes it simple to make a quick donation.

Want to volunteer or foster a pet? Click here

Adopt a pet? Click here

Like to shop? Well Shop and help pets, too!

Have a farm animal and need help? Request Help here


Brother Wolf  "Our Story"

“Wherever you are, you can save animals. No matter where they are, they still deserve to live.”

The Rescue

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue was founded in 2007 to provide the resources and life-saving programs to help build and sustain No-Kill communities. We began as a small group of citizens who were dedicated to saving dogs and cats from our local county shelter, which was routinely euthanizing more than 70% of the animals that came through its doors. Through hard work and perseverance, we soon grew a robust, very productive grassroots network of foster homes, volunteers and supporters. I n 2009, we opened the first No-Kill Adoption Center in Asheville. Since then, the number of animals we are able to save has grown exponentially. In our first year, we rescued just under 100 animals from our county shelter;  In 2017, we provided care to more than 6,000 through our extensive network of programs!

The Sanctuary 

We're currently in the process of building the Brother Wolf Animal Sanctuary on a majestic 82.5-acre property just outside of Asheville in Leicester, NC. The new Sanctuary will provide adoptions, volunteer opportunities, and critical care for all animals, including  dogs and cats who have been so abused and neglected that they require longer term, more specialized rehabilitation. In addition, the Sanctuary will be an educational resource for area youth to learn about our responsibilities to animals, nature, and society. 

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