Happy 80th Birthday John! Sending out Wishes of Peace to the World!

I was 5 years old when the Beatles were introduced on the Ed Sullivan Show. I can remember sitting on the floor in front of our black and white television watching them. My oldest brother is 8 years older than I am and became a huge Beatles fan. So, I grew up listening to their music. The Beatles announced their break up in 1970. 

For me, John Lennon became a man of Peace. I was 22 years old when he was shot and killed. A man of Peace killed. I remember it was announced on the news that night. I wasn't sure what to do, how to react, there was no internet to get online and share your feelings. It was too late to call a friend and vent. 

I walked to my 2-year old daughter's room and just watched her sleeping. I sat and tears flowed, quietly...thinking back to the Beatle's music flowing through my childhood home. I remembered my mom telling me to do the twist to the song 'Twist and Shout. I thought about the funny movies the Beatles made, how goofy John was, all of them showing the lighter side.

I am grateful to have grown up in the time that I did...I am glad my brother was such a fan (still is..will always been) his love for their music is a gift to me. I am also (alays will be) a huge fan.

Thanks John, for sharing your gift, your love for everyone. Let's hope your wish for Peace comes true soon.

Thanks Yoko for keeping John's message alive. Your love for him and sharing that love with all the world.


IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is a Tower of Light which emanates wisdom, healing and joy. 

It communicates awareness to the whole world that peace & love is what connects all lives on Earth.

Send your wishes to IMAGINE PEACE TOWER by Twitter, email or post.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is composed of a tall shimmering tower of lights. It appears every year and is visible from October 9th (John’s birthday) until December 8th (the anniversary of his death).

In addition, the Tower will illuminate from Winter Solstice (December 21st) and into the morning of the New Year (January 1st) as well as the first week of spring (March 20th -27th) the dates of John & Yoko’s wedding and honeymoon.


IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is lit annually

• 9th October – 8th December
• 21st – 31st December
• 18th February
• 20th – 27 March

It is lit from around 1 hour after sunset until midnight each night except on John & Yoko’s birthdays and on New Year’s Eve, when it remains lit until sunrise. On 9th October and 20th – 27th March it lights at 9pm.

In tribute to Yoko, the City of Reykjavik also lights IMAGINE PEACE TOWER on her birthday, February 18th, from 7pm until 9am the following day.

Relative times:
• Reykjavik: 9pm
• Liverpool & London: 10pm
• New York: 5pm
• Los Angeles: 2pm
• Tokyo: 6am

Imagine Peace Tower


 By Marjorie Farrington

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