HONOLULU (AP) — Beth Chapman, the brash, buxom and blonde wife and co-star of "Dog the Bounty Hunter" reality TV star Duane "Dog" Chapman has died.
A family spokeswoman, Mona Wood-Sword, said in a statement that Beth Chapman died early Wednesday at Queen?s Medical Center after an almost 2-year battle with cancer. She was 51.
She was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2017. A tumor was removed and she was cancer-free. But she was later diagnosed with lung cancer.
Doctors at a Honolulu hospital put her in a coma last week to relieve her pain.
In 2016, Chapman was elected president of the Professional Bail Agents of the United States.
The A&E series "Dog the Bounty Hunter" was canceled in 2012. The Chapmans later starred in other similar reality shows.]
Duane Chapman annouced her death on Twitter this morning
It’s 5:32 in Hawaii, this is the time she would wake up to go hike Koko Head mountain. Only today, she hiked the stairway to heaven. We all love you, Beth. See you on the other side.
11:54 AM · Jun 26, 2019


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