"One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside." ― John Lennon"Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier." ― Sabaa Tahir"Ever since pe...
We all deal with our own anger. We all cope with others' anger. My opinion only, anger is as natural to us as love, hate, happiness, fear and happiness. How we deal with our own anger is up to us. Our reaction to others' anger is also ours to de...
"I've listened to someone as young as 14 and someone as old as 100 talk about their close friends, and [there are] three expectations of a close friend that I hear people describing and valuing across the entire life course," says William Rawli...
Today is National Love Your Pet Day! Have you hugged your pet today? This is our dog, Missy! Every day is Love Our Pet Day! They have unconditional love for us! Pets teach us how we should be, how we could be! They make us smile first thing in the mo...
Spoonful of Positive: Stand Up "Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already." Dave Willis “The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.” "I allowed myself to be bullied because I was scared and didn't know how to defend myself. I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied.By standing up hor him, I learned to stand up for myself," Jackie Chan "I h...
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