
Ah, Aging .... some may disagree, but I think it beats the alternative! Family and friends gone long before they even had a chance to see wrinkles or gray hair! Our society focuses on youth and material things, two things that don't last! Many younge...
  1.   Monday, 05 July 2021
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
Another Monday, another week begins! Another day starts ... I thought it would be fun to focus on children. What better way to do that than to share quotes by Captain Kangaroo? Now, I'm showing my age!  I grew up watching Captain Kangaroo (Bob K...
  1.   Monday, 28 June 2021
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
It's been awhile since we've done a "What's the Word?" So, today, we'll do more than one! The first word is STIVER. Meaning: The smallest amount.  Sentence: I doubt he has a stiver left. The second word is  DEIPINOSOPHIST. Meaning: A person...
  1.   Sunday, 20 June 2021
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
 Facebook Find Facebook Fundraiser Help us build new raccoon caging NOW! Donations made this week will be DOUBLED up to $10,000 by a very generous dono...
  1.   Friday, 14 May 2021
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
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