WNC -- December 2024 -- Press Release: The Community Foundation: The Pigeon River Fund of The Community

Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC) awarded ten grants

totaling $352,204 to environmental groups  working to improve surface water quality, enhance fish and wildlife habitats, expand public use and access to waterways and increase water quality awareness in Buncombe, Haywood and Madison counties.  With these grants and since 1996, the Pigeon River Fund has distributed more than $10 million in grants. 

These grants were submitted for funding prior to Hurricane Helene. These organizations are engaged in important ongoing water quality efforts; funding will support projects and work that will aid in recovery, restoration and protection of streams and banks in three WNC counties.

The most recent Pigeon River Fund grant recipients are: 

$35,000 to Asheville Botanical Garden to enhance native plantings, wildlife habitat, visitor access, and educational features at the confluence of Reed and Glenn's Creeks, which run through the property.

$35,000 to Asheville GreenWorks toward design work for Hominy Creek Greenway aimed at completing the restoration of the park and its trail.

$50,000 to Asheville GreenWorks to enhance and expand its Youth Environmental Leadership and StreamKeeper programs.

$45,000 to Environmental Quality Institute to help fund its VWIN and SMIE programs, supporting volunteer stream monitoring in Haywood, Buncombe, and Madison counties. 

$26,250 to Haywood Waterways Association to assist with restoration of approximately 600 linear feet of Shingle Cove Branch, a tributary to Richland Creek. 

$50,000 to Haywood Waterways Association for 2025 program and administrative support. 

$13,454 to Haywood Waterways Association for a stormwater control project at Grace Church in Downtown Waynesville. 

$17,500 to Junaluska Sanitary District for repairs needed along the Cedar Park residential community adjacent to the Pigeon River. 

$50,000 to Mountain Valleys RC&D Council for its Ivy River Partners program that addresses water quality in the Ivy River Watershed and Madison County waterways.

$30,000 to Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy toward the permanent protection of 293 acres of productive farm and forest land along Scenic Byway 209 and Betsy's Gap Road.

The next application deadline for qualifying nonprofits in Buncombe, Haywood and Madison counties is March 15, 2025.   

The Pigeon River Fund was established through an agreement between Carolina Power & Light (now Duke Energy) and the State of North Carolina. CFWNC administers the grant program. For information about the Pigeon River Fund, contact Senior Program Officer Tara Scholtz at 828-367-9913. 

Image: WNCTimes

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