Blue Ridge Parkway: The Parkway is seeking mobile food and beverage service (i.e. food trucks!) for the 2024 season at Mabry Mill, located at Milepost 176.2 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

This opportunity is intended to be temporary in nature, to both complement retail operations at the site and provide food service while the National Park Service seeks a new long-term concessioner at Mabry Mill.

Food trucks will be authorized to operate in the park through a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) in the overflow parking area adjacent to the historic buildings. Complete application packages must be submitted between now and May 15, 2024.
The CUA Food Truck application form, including terms and conditions, can be found on the โ€œDoing Business With Usโ€ page of Parkwayโ€™s website.

A $300 nonrefundable fee is required for each application. The CUA will be valid until December 31, 2024. Questions regarding this process should be sent to

Mabry Mill Restaurant and Gift Shop has historically operated as a park concession, whereby a private business provides park visitors a service that parks do not provide directly. As announced in December of 2023, the concession contract at the site expired at the end of 2023, and the previous food service and retail operator has chosen not to accept an extension while the NPS seeks a new, long-term contractor to provide those services. Americaโ€™s National Parks (TM), a part of Eastern National and longtime Parkway bookstore partner, will manage retail operations during the 2024 visitor season at Mabry Mill.

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