WNC -- The Western Carolina University is offering a Grant Writing Certificate Program in  April. The information about the program can 

be found below, along with the link to sign up:

Full Grant Life-Cycle Management Certificate Program
Thursdays March 20, March 27, and April 3 (9 am - 5 pm each day)
WCU Asheville Instructional Site - Biltmore Park 

Efficient and effective grant management is crucial for organizations seeking funding to support their programs and initiatives. Full Grant Life-Cycle Management is a comprehensive approach to overseeing the entire process, from application submission to grant monitoring and evaluation.

This course provides participants the understanding and ways to effectively manage the full grant life-cycle, organizations can ensure efficient and transparent grant processes, maximize impact with limited resources, build strong relationships with grantees, and uphold accountability to stakeholders and funders. 

Additionally, attending this program on Full Grant Life-Cycle Management will provide you with practical tools and strategies to optimize your grant management practices. You will learn how to use technology to streamline processes, track progress, and generate reports effectively. Moreover, you will gain insights into best practices for compliance, risk management, and performance measurement in grant management. Ultimately this leads to the success and sustainability of the organization's mission and impact in the communities you serve.

Course Modules:
Module 1 - Grant Life-Cycle and Grant Application Submission - March 20 Morning
Module 2 - Application Review and Evaluation - March 20 Afternoon
Module 3 - Grant Approval and Distribution - March 27 Morning 
Module 4 - Grant Monitoring and Compliance - March 27 Afternoon
Module 5 - Record and Impact Assessment - April 3 Morning
Module 6 - System Administration and Training - April 3 Afternoon

Updated format as of spring 2025!

Based on customer feedback, we have condensed this certificate program into 3 full-day sessions. You still get all the same great content (6 modules total) in half the meeting days.

Individual Session: $160.00
Full Certificate: $799.00

For more information & to sign up click here


Image: WNCTimes

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