Raleigh -- North Carolina Governor Josh Stein's Office Press Release February 5, 2025: Today, Governor Josh Stein joined leaders from the

North Carolina Department of Commerce

and Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to discuss strategies to support North Carolina workers, particularly veterans in the workplace. Governor Stein also toured Wilmington’s NCWorks site and discussed career resources available to jobseekers.  

"North Carolina’s economy has been ranked at the top for business in recent years, and as we keep growing, we must ensure that every corner of our state benefits from that growth,” said Governor Josh Stein. “I am impressed how NCWorks is connecting people to career opportunities, and I have directed the Departments of Commerce and Military and Veteran Affairs to continue their collaboration to ensure veterans can succeed. We have to do everything we can to support our veterans.”
The New Hanover NCWorks Career Center brings together our workforce assets to connect jobseekers and great employers,” said N.C. Department of Commerce Secretary Lee Lilley. “Transitioning veterans are great employees, and they can visit any NCWorks Career Center for help developing a new career and connecting with employers that recognize their skills and experience.”
“North Carolina is home to more than 600,000 veterans, and all of them deserve meaningful employment opportunities as they enter the civilian workforce,” said NC Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Secretary Jocelyn Mitnaul Mallette. “At DMVA, we are committed to partnering with Governor Stein to explore meaningful ways to overcome the barriers our veterans face.”  
Image: WNCTimes

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