Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Springtime is a favorite season for many because it is a time of renewal and awakening. As the weather warms up after a long winter, it is refreshing to spend time outdoors and enjoy the warm weather and outdoor activities. There is nothing like breathing in fresh air and soaking up the warm sun to renew the spirit and enhance our quality of life!
Taking time to enjoy some spring activities can not only improve cognitive function but your happiness as well.
Here are a few favorite springtime activities for older adults:
Go for a walk at a local park or nature trail. Walking is a great form of exercise for older adults. If you can, find a friend to walk with you to enjoy some social activities while exercising.
Enjoy a meal outdoors with friends or family. Visit a favorite restaurant and sit on the patio if the weather is nice with a friend or family member.
Enjoy a local tourist attraction. Whether it's a local landmark, sporting event or historical site, visiting local attractions are a great way to get out and combat cabin fever.
Plant a garden and/or herb garden. Gardening is a great activity for older adults and planting a vegetable garden and/or herb garden can provide healthy ingredients for your favorite dishes.
Visit a local botanical garden or farmer's market. Having fresh fruits and vegetables on hand can help older adults make better choices in their diet, plus you can potentially find some great deals on local produce and fresh cut flowers to bring some joy into your home.
What activities are you looking forward to enjoying this spring?