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Avadim Health believes there’s a better way to approach healthcare. Responding to the worldwide epidemic of infection, Avadim’s topical therapies allow the skin to do its job of protecting tissues and organs while solving problems ranging from neuromuscular disorders to supporting patients’ healthy microbiome skin hygiene in hospitals.

Because many Fourth of July celebrations include grilling, picnics and other outdoor food events, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is promoting easy steps everyone should take to avoid foodborne illnesses associated with summer heat.

Buncombe County’s storied tradition of agriculture meets innovative technology in an exciting, new project. The Farm Heritage Trail is a scenic route highlighting the beauty and agriculture of the County’s rural northwest.  

While it’s important for teens to be safe anytime they get behind the wheel, during summertime it’s critical that young people are even more alert on the roads. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the 100 deadliest days, when the number of crash fatalities involving a teen driver historically rise. 

Today has been declared 'Bourdain Day' honoring the birthday of the late Anthony Bourdain, who took his life June 8, 2018. He is remembered for his story telling, his amazing talent as a chef and now, a large part of his legacy is Suicide Prevention. Below is information for people who are in need and those who may know someone.

Washington, DC -- Over a dozen USDA employees stood and turned their backs on Sonny Perdue Thursday as the U.S. agriculture secretary detailed the relocation of two of the federal agency's key research offices out of Washington, D.C.

NEW YORK (AP) — Charitable giving by individual Americans in 2018 suffered its biggest drop since the Great Recession of 2008-09, in part because of Republican-backed changes in tax policy, according to the latest comprehensive report on Americans’ giving patterns.

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