Dough House Donuts: All the donations and shares last week got our GoFundMe up by nearly $1000! THANK YOOOOOU!!!
We are still not out of hot water, however. The money we’ve raised so far has helped us each week with our foot traffic and sales both in such a steep decline. Thinking back to our previous 2 holiday seasons at DH, it’s one of the many daily reminders we get about how much was lost and how far away we are from “normal.” I totally almost lost it yesterday when I saw the same pile of debris by the i40 on ramp that I’ve been looking at since September. Yesterday it just looked so much worse for some reason.
OKAY GETTING MISTY AND IT’S TOO EARLY FOR THAT. My point here is that we at Dough House still need all the support you’re willing to give, but so does everyone else who lives here. If you feel like you’ve donated enough to us, please consider donating to someone else. I’m meeting more people everyday without homes, pets, family members. If you know someone who’s trying to raise money tag their account in the comments and we’ll repost them. (And I’d love it if you could please share ours again, too 🙏)
Thanks for everything y’all! #doughhousedonuts#avl#asheville
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