• Town of Waynesville

    Congratulations to Chief Joey Webb of the Waynesville Fire Department on being sworn in as President of the North Carolina Association of Fire Chiefs Board! This incredible achievement marks the culmination of his 7-year dedication to the Board. We're honored to have the Board President right here on our Waynesville team!
    Chief Webb’s journey began in October 1977 as a volunteer with the Waynesville Fire Department. He became a career firefighter in 1978 and later served as Chief of the Clyde Volunteer Fire Department for eight years. In 2006, he returned to Waynesville as Assistant Fire Chief and was promoted to Fire Chief in 2008.
    Throughout his career, Chief Webb has shown exceptional leadership, serving as Chairman of the North Carolina Fallen Firefighters Foundation and being named the 2017 North Carolina Fire Chief of the Year. Now, as he takes on the role of President of the NC Association of Fire Chiefs Board, we couldn’t be prouder.
    Thank you, Chief Webb, for your unwavering commitment to our community and to the state. We look forward to your leadership in this new role!

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