Saying Goodbye to an Online Friend...The Loss is Real

Saying Goodbye Until We Meet Again to an Online Friend. 

There's been a lot of negative news where Face Book is concerned. This post is my personal opionion based on my personal experience...

I belonged to a social network before Face Book was even online. It was for people 40 years old and older. I made some awesome friends, that social network went offline before Face Book. I was able to reconnect with so many of my online friends again on Face Book.

Many of us were raising our kids when we first met online. We are now grandparents, great grandparents, in our 50's, 60's, 70's and up. Many have lost parents, grandparents, and some have lost children. We have shared the loss of pets, friends, financial troubles, along with graduations of our children, celebrating their marriages, birth of grandchildren, downsizing our homes, reitriements. Life experiences, we have been there for one another.

Today, I lost a friend, I am heartbroken when I read the post on her wall that she died. There are many comments on her wall, many friends. We all feel the loss, we all share the loss.

Our friendship may have been online, but the friendship was real. Her loss is real, it is heartfelt. She played an important roll in so many people's lives... 

Just as those I have known online who have gone before her ... I miss their friendship. I hold them in my memory and I am grateful to have had them as part of my life.



by Marjorie Farrington 

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