Positively Friday!


​"I'll See It When I Believe It! 

How many times have we heard "I'll Believe It When I See It." Then there's another saying, "Seeing Is Believing." 

We may set goals, and yet, we may block our own good. We may feel we don't really deserve it, it's just not really possible or others may tell us there's no way it's possible. So, our own good ends up getting blocked.

There are obstacles in life beyond our control, unforseen things that happen, that happens in life. 

Lyrics from the song "Accentuate the Positive"  "You've got to accentuate the positive, Eliminate the negative, Latch on to the affirmative." 

We cannot completley eliminate the negative, we can open ourselves up to the positive. 

Believe it or most likely you won't see it, or you may not hold onto it.

I heard someone one say "If you need a car and you say, I really need a car, I really want a nice car, but I'll settle for one that runs." What do you think you'll most likely get? One that runs. You've told yourself that's what you'll settle for...

Set your mind on something, See it, believe it. Open yourself up to it!

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