Earthday, More than Just One Day Out of a Year

Earth Day has been around for over 50 years, in fact, I was 12 in 1970, the very first Earth Day. I remember as it as being looked at like a hippie idea, no idea the real concept of what it was all about.

My personal opionion is we should've been taking care of the earth a long time ago. But there's no going back, so we need to do what needs to be done now.

On that note, there's the site where you can go that gives the information for us to work together. is a place for individuals to help, provides information about what's going on with the earth, news and stories.

Below is part of what the website offers:

Smart companies are discovering that it is no longer a choice between going green and growing long-term profits — sustainability is the path to prosperity. So for both humanitarian and business reasons, it is imperative that companies of all sizes take action and embrace the benefits of a green economy. Tell business leaders to get on board with a sustainable future or get out of the way. Learn more: [] "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." – Socrates Unless governments, institutions, businesses, and individuals act now, climate change will continue to deeply damage economies, increase scarcity, drain profits and job prospects, and impact us all. Learn more: [] When it comes to climate change, money talks. Through regulations, incentives, and public/private partnerships, governments can transform and build the green economy. Learn more: [] I am excited to be part of EARTHDAY.ORG's #InvestInOurPlanet campaign, in celebration of the 52nd anniversary Earth Day! A more sustainable world starts with all of us. See how you can get more involved here: [] We can make a difference in every industry, but that won't happen until we all work together to #InvestInOurPlanet. Join EARTHDAY.ORG and learn all the ways you can get involved here [] Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram Copy: Smart companies are discovering that it is no longer a choice between going green and growing long-term profits — sustainability is the path to prosperity. So for both humanitarian and business reasons, it is imperative that companies of all sizes take action and embrace the benefits of a green economy. Learn more about what you can do here: [] 

Unless businesses act now, climate change will continue to deeply damage economies, increase scarcity, drain profits and job prospects, and impact us all. Learn more: [] "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." – Socrates When it comes to climate change, money talks. Through regulations, incentives, and public/private partnerships, governments hold the keys to transform and build the green economy. Similar to the industrial and information revolutions, governments must incentivize their citizens, businesses, and institutions to build a resilient future. Learn more:[] 

I am excited to be part of EARTHDAY.ORG's #InvestInOurPlanet campaign, in celebration of the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day! A more sustainable world starts with all of us. See how you can get more involved here: [] We have the ability to make a difference in every industry, but that can only happen when we all work together to #InvestInOurPlanet. 

Join EARTHDAY.ORG in this movement and learn all the ways you can get involved here [] Suggested Hashtags: #InvestInOurplanet #WhatWillYouDo #EarthDay #EarthDayEveryDay #ClimateChange #Environment #Sustainability #TakeAction 

Get Involved with Earth Day 2022 More than 1 billion people in 192 countries now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Today, we invite you to be a part of Earth Day and to help further climate action across the globe. Every year, EARTHDAY.ORG coordinates events around the world to showcase global support for the environmental movement. Hold an Earth Day event and register it with us to be a part of the worldwide celebration of Earth Day. Register your event at Are you part of an organization that is planning something for the next Earth Day? Partner with us today and work TOGETHER to support the movement. 

 Since 2010, EARTHDAY.ORG™ has planted tens of millions of trees with The Canopy Project, working worldwide to strengthen communities. EARTHDAY.ORG works with global partners to reforest areas in dire need of rehabilitation, including areas with some of the world's communities most at-risk from climate change and environmental degradation. We have also conducted broad tree planting in the wake of environmental disasters. As little as $1 can plant a tree. ince 2010, we've worked with our global partners to reforest areas that are in dire need of rehabilitation. We're grateful for your support! Make a donation here: Donate here. The Canopy Project logos here Canopy Project Graphics here Plant a tree here. Suggested social media hashtags: #TheCanopyProject #InvestInOurPlanet #Reforestation THE GREAT GLOBAL CLEANUP™ 

About: When it comes to individual action for the common good, one of the best ways that people can make an impact for our planet is by cleaning up our public spaces. Our pollution problem is getting out of hand and our environment is suffering from it. Open landfills emit dangerous greenhouse gasses, waste and pollution that enter our oceans and freshwater. Microplastics even make it into our food and the air we breathe. 


Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG

Visit the official Earth Day site to learn about the world's largest environmental movement and what you can do to make every day Earth Day.
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