By Marge on Sunday, 02 August 2020
Category: Wnctimes Blog

How Odd: North Carolina Odd News Stories

Wnctimes looks for odd stories to share, and today it's all about Odd News Stories. You know, stories that make you think 'How Odd!'

ATM Stolen 

So, it would be odd enough for someone to steal an ATM, ritght? This story has another twist. This ATM machine was stolen with a excavator, that was stolen!

Makes one wonder, what kind of person steals a whole ATM and who would take an excavator to steal it? Wouldn't you want to make a sneak attack? An excavator is huge, noisy and then, to dig out the ATM. load it into a vehicle? Really?

Yep, it really happened in Winston-Salem on April 8, 2013 @ 1 a.m. The suspect was described as a white male wearing a dark hoodie.

Another how odd is he was never caught and got away with an undisclosed amount of cash!

Flying Catfish Crashes into car

In December 2019, a North Carolina woman was shocked when a flying catfish smashed into her windshield.

Her family helped her search for the fish and they did find it. 

Lots of people may tell fish stories, this one is a real!

Read the full article:

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