Buncombe County -- August 7, 2024: After fugitive Ryan Ricky Houston's death, Buncombe County District Attorney Todd Williams released a statement.

Buncombe County DA Todd Williams' Office Press Release 

“I offer my condolences to all who have suffered as a result of Ryan Ricky Houston’s acts of tragic and wanton violence over the past year — most particularly to the families of Malerie Crisp and Mike Boone. Throughout the pendency of Houston’s cases, this Office advocated before our Courts that the facts of this case indicated that no conditions of release could secure public saftey and that Houston should remain in jail. We backed that up by immediately filing two motions to revoke his bond when provided information that he was out of compliance with the Court’s release orders. It is unfortunate that with Houston’s death his charges will abate upon the issuance of a death certificate and he will not be held to account for these crimes. Again, while there are no adequate words, I offer my thoughts and prayers in consideration of the lives lost, and my personal sympathies to all whose lives are forever changed by Houston’s senseless acts.”

Houston was determined to be the driver of the Jaguar that collided while traveling in the opposite direction on Interstate 26 on Aug. 2, resulting in the fatalities of himself and former Marshall Police Chief Mike Boone, aged 54. Boone had concluded his career after three decades of service just 48 hours before to the tragic collision. Prior to this incident, Houston was involved in a collision on Interstate 40 in McDowell County and subsequently abandoned the scene, leaving behind a female passenger. 

The woman was subsequently identified as Malerie Crisp, aged 41, who succumbed to several stab wounds, as determined by the North Carolina Medical Examiner's Office. Before Houston was identified as the second driver who died in the incident on August 2nd, Williams stated that the DA's Office had previously filed a motion to revoke Houston's bond in August of the previous year.


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