Macon County Sheriff Investigate Shooting of 13-Year-Old
Macon County -- Macon County Sheriff's Office -- April 16, 2020 3:45PM Today’s incident involving a 13 year old gunshot
victim currently remains under investigation by MCSO. While this is an ongoing investigation, several interviews have been conducted and it appears that this may have been an incident where a child had access to the firearm inside his father’s vehicle and was a self inflicted & accidental shooting incident. We have not received any information that leads us to believe that any other individuals were involved. This shooting incident did not occur at South Macon Elementary but that is where the father drove to in an effort seek help for his son.
We will not provide any additional updates until this investigation has concluded.
“Today a father drove his injured son to a location where he knew he could find real life heroes and he found them... they were Teachers, SRO’s and First Responders and all played a significant role in possibly saving this child’s life.”
Sheriff Robert L. Holland