Asheville -- September 20, 2024: City of Asheville: For Immediate Release: Unincorporated Buncombe Residents

Encouraged to Sign Up Now for Trash and Recycling Pick Up with New Solid Waste Provider FCC Environmental 

Buncombe County is set to transition to FCC Environmental Services for residential garbage and recycling services in unincorporated areas of Buncombe County, replacing the current solid waste provider, Waste Pro. FCC was chosen as the top-ranked firm for this role, leading to the approval of a contract for residential solid waste collection that includes household garbage and recycling services. Any household that is currently a Waste Pro customer will need to sign up with FCC Environmental to ensure a smooth transition and avoid service disruption.

Residents in unincorporated Buncombe County can expect to receive mailers from FCC Environmental in the coming days. All current service levels will remain in place with FCC Environmental Services. These include weekly curbside collection of household garbage, recycling, and bulk waste, as well as scheduled services like appliance pick-up upon customer request. While most service days will remain the same, the time of service may change. FCC will communicate any changes in service days to their customers.  

Dane Pederson, Solid Waste Director, expressed enthusiasm for the new partnership: “We are excited about this new partnership with FCC Environmental Services. While we do anticipate challenges with this transition, we will work to minimize and address issues as soon as possible.” 

While this transition is underway, residents in unincorporated areas of Buncombe County are encouraged to sign up with FCC as soon as possible to be added to a pick-up route. As the Solid Waste Director emphasizes, “Trash is serious business. We know that this is a major transition for trash and recycling services in Buncombe County. We are working with Waste Pro and FCC to coordinate the moving parts of this transition, including equipment, staffing, routes, service days, and cart sizes. The process has been running smoothly thus far, and we anticipate continued progress as we move towards the date of the transition.” 

Signing up with FCC does not require payment and you will not be asked for your personal information when you sign up with FCC. For more information, please visit Buncombe County Solid Waste. To sign up, visit / or call (828) 820-7022.  

Pricing structure details: 

Basic Service: Priced at $28.65 per month. 

Premium Service: Available at $59.00 per month. Premium Service includes additional driving beyond the pre-determined pick-up locations that may also require use of special equipment.  

Additional Services: "Bear Carts" available for purchase at $320.00 or a monthly lease of $10.16, and additional carts with service at a monthly lease of $12.00. 


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