BBQ Time! Yummy Grilled Zucchini!

Grilled zucchini will rock your ever-loving world. My goodness. Serve it with fish! Chicken! Pasta! Serve it with a glass of wine! Ice water works well, too. 



Lemon Salt 

Olive Oil 

Lemon or Lemon Juice

Salt and Pepper

Lemon Salt

1) Lop off the tops and bottoms of the zucchini, then cut them into quarters lengthwise.
In other words, cut 'em into spears.

2) Throw the zucchini into one of those enormous ziploc bags, or two regular-sized ziploc bags. 

3) Pour in some olive oil…

4) Then zest a lemon. (Refers to the outer skin of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes. The colored part of the skin contains natural oils that provide aroma and flavor. Small shavings of the skin are added to various dishes to intensify the required citrus flavors.)

Throw the zucchini into one of those enormous ziploc bags, or two regular-sized ziploc bags.  

5)Throw the lemon zest into the bag…

6)Then squeeze in the juice of the lemon.

7)Sprinkle in some salt and pepper.

8) Then seal the bag and smush the zucchini around a bit to get it all coated.

Yummy! Now, you can let this sit around for 20 minutes or so, or you can just keep on going. I'm gonna keep on going. I'm hungry.

*Grill the suckers over nice, mild heat.
I like grilling wedges like this, as you can easily grill each of the three sides and they look really purty when they're all grilled up.

*Take the zucchini off the grill as they get done and pile them up on a plate.

*Now, zest a couple more lemons and pile the lemon zest on a cutting board.

*Sprinkle some kosher salt on top of the zest…

*And chop the zest and salt together a little bit until they become one.

*Lemon salt! It's a little like lime salt for margaritas…or lime sugar for margaritas…depending on your poison. Note: This won't keep very long before the salt starts to dissolve and disappear into the zest, so don't mix it together until just before you need it. Or, if you have time, spread out the zest and let it dry out a bit before you sprinkle on the salt.

*Then just sprinkle the lemon salt generously over the zucchini!

This is absolutely beautiful, guys. The lemon zest really tones down the saltiness so the whole thing is really fresh and lovely. And you can use the lemon salt to sprinkle on so many things: roasted chicken legs, corn on the cob, grilled fish, steamed veggies…even popcorn. Why not?

Enjoy this, guys. Perfect late summer side dish!

And the beat goes on! WNCTIMES Summer Online BBQ Tour! 

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