By Marge on Wednesday, 06 October 2021
Category: Wnctimes Blog

What's the Word? Don't "knock it"

​Today's word is Appple-Knockers

Will Rogers lamented what the " Oregon apple knockers " had done to his " city slickers " in a column after the game.

by Will Rogers 

​So, "What's the Word" is all about odd words. Most likely words not used very often ... what's the point?

It's fun to learn new words. For many people it just may help them in Scrabble. Others, they may want to expand their vocabulary!

​Today' Word:


A person living outside large urban areas, regarded as being unsophisticated, narrow-minded, etc.
An inexperienced person; greenhorn.

It's also used in baseball. A baseball player, specifically the batter.

​I live in a rural area, which is very much like the area I grew up in... I have lived in larger populated cities and never like it. 

I love nature. I love the mountains. 

As far as ignorance, that can be found any place.

So, call me an apple-knocker, I'll take it as a compliment!

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